What is a Physical Hazard?

A physical hazard is the most well-known type of hazard. A physical hazard is a situation, factor, or agent that can cause harm after contact. These risks are most prevalent in a variety of industries, especially mining and construction. These risks are unavoidable in some specific industries, such as construction. There are several types of physical hazards. They can be divided into environmental or occupational hazards. noise and vibration.

Different Types of Physical Hazard

  1. Radiation Hazard.
  2. Noise Hazard.
  3. Vibration Hazard.
  4. Heat and cold stress.

1. Radiation Hazard

Ionizing radiation has enough energy to act on the atoms of living cells and damage the genetic material (DNA). Fortunately, our body’s cells are very efficient at repairing this damage. However, if the damage is not repaired properly, cells can die or eventually become cancer.

Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as near a nuclear explosion, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns and acute radiation syndrome (“radiation disease”). It can also cause long-term health effects such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Low levels of radiation exposure found in the environment do not cause immediate health effects but contribute slightly to overall cancer risk.

2. Noise Hazard

Exposure to loud noise kills nerve endings in the inner ear. More exposure will result in more dead nerve endings. The result is permanent hearing loss that cannot be corrected with surgery or medicine.

Noise-induced hearing loss severely impairs your ability to communicate by limiting your ability to hear high-pitched sounds and understand speech. Hearing aids can help, but do not restore normal hearing.

3. Vibration Hazard

Vibration can be defined as the displacement of a body part under the action of an external force from its equilibrium position. The force of the body’s internal elastic energy then tries to return the body to its original position.

The vibration of white fingers is the most common type of vibrational hazard.

Vibration white finger:

The blood supply to the fingers is cut off, the fingers turn white, and one or more fingers feel numb or tingly. The arm muscles can cause difficulty grasping or grasping objects and can damage the figure’s joints.

4. Heat and cold stress.

Working in extreme hot or cold temperatures can overload the thermoregulatory system. If the body does not warm-up or cool down properly, it can lead to illness. Stress from heat and cold can have unhealthy consequences, ranging from discomfort to death.

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