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What Is Surveyors Compass?
Surveyors compass is used to measure horizontal angles. It is consist of a graduation disc fixed to the box, with a magnetic needle that is free to rotate above it.

Unlike other compasses, it does not have a prism at the viewing end, but instead has a narrow slit. To take a reading, the user fixes the line of sight and then reads the angle directly from the top of the glass cover. The graduations are written directly (not inverted), and they range from zero to 90°. Zero is either north or south, while 90° is east or west.
To express an angle, the user first indicates the direction towards north or south, and then the last letter indicates the direction towards east or west. For example, an angle of 20° towards the north direction and east is written as N 20° E, while an angle of 40° towards the east direction and south is written as S 40° E. The graduated circle of this compass rotates with the line of sight, and the magnetic needle always points towards north. The reading is taken at the tip of the needle.
It should be noted that, in this compass, east and west are marked interchangeably and are located in opposite positions from other compasses. This type of compass has been used by surveyors for centuries and remains an important tool for measuring angles and distances in land surveying.
Uses Of Surveyors Compass
A surveyor’s compass is a tool commonly used in land surveying to measure horizontal angles and determine the bearing of a survey line.
The magnetic compass is particularly useful in determining the orientation of a line relative to north, allowing surveyors to accurately determine the direction and location of boundaries, property lines, and other features on a piece of land.
In addition to land surveying, the surveyor’s compass is used in many other fields, including navigation, mining, engineering, archeology, and forestry.
Surveyor’s compasses are tools that are made to last and work well. They are not too big or heavy, so they are easy to carry around in a bag.
They are not too expensive either, which is good for small projects. They are also accurate because of the magnetic needle that points to the magnetic north.
Surveyor’s compasses can do many things like measure angles, bearings, and direction. They are good for surveying land, making maps, and finding your way. They are also reliable and have fewer mistakes than other tools.
Hold it level, align needle with North mark, read dial for direction.
Measuring angles, bearings, structure orientation, locating utilities.
Prismatic compass has prism, more accurate while surveyor compass uses liquid to dampen needle.