Different types of lines are used to create an engineering drawing. These lines consist of technical information.
It is very important to know the types of lines in engineering drawing. Lines play crucial role in engineering drawing. Various types of lines are used in engineering drawing.

It is impossible to describe technical term in an engineering drawing by using words. Hence, diffrent types of lines are used to describe all the things in the engineering drawing.
Lines can be straight or curved depend on shape of the object. Lines are elements which with no width but unlimited length. Line can be created by using joining minimum two points.
Other definition of line is:
Lines is the sets of point in a particular manner.
Points can not be in the same location but fall along the line. Lines can be straight or a particular angel.
Table of Contents
Types of Lines
I have listed here all the important type of lines used in engineering drawing.
- Visible lines
- Hidden lines
- Section lines
- Center lines
- Dimension lines
- Extension lines
- Leader lines
- Cutting plane lines
- Break lines
- Phantom lines
- Border lines
- Arrowheads
I have described each type of line briefly.
1. Visible Lines
Visible lines are dark and thick. They are 0.6 mm thick. These types of lines also known as object lines. As the name suggest, they are visible in an engineering drawing.
2. Hidden Lines
Hidden lines are 0.3 mm thin dashed line. Hidden lines are light, narrow and short. These types of lines are used to remind designers about a particular feature. Line start with a dash and finish with a dash.
3. Section Lines
Section lines is used to show the cross section of an objects. These lines are drawn at 45-degree angle. Sometimes known as hatch lines.
4. Center Lines
Center lines are widely used in the engineering drawings. It is used to show the center of a specific object. These lines are drawn beyond the object. Two center lines crosses each other in the drawing.
Center lines in an engineering drawing show the center of a round or cylindrical shape. The line is drawn using a thin line with alternating long and short dashes. Long dashes are used to begin and terminate center lines.
5. Dimension Lines
Dimension lines are used to measure the distance between two points. Dimension lines should not overlap the object. Dimension should be clearly visible in the drawing.
6. Extension Lines
These are extended lines used to indicate dimensions. To make clean drawing, dimension lines are kept at proper distance from an object.
7. Leader Lines
Leader lines are very important types lines. It is used to write some information on a drawing. It is consist of an arrow and line. Leader lines can be drawn at any angle. Normally arrow is only one side of the line.
8. Cutting Plane Lines
Cutting plane lines are used to represent sectional view of an object. They are broken intermittent lines with small 90-degree .
9. Break Lines
Break lines are used yo separate sections in the engineering drawing. Break lines can be thick wavy or thin. Thick lines used to break the object while thin lines represents two separate sections.
10. Phantom Lines
Phantom lines are very useful in the engineering drawing. These lines consist of long dashes alternated with pairs of small dashes.
Phantom lines shows the details of a moving object. It is represent the relationship between elements that fit together. Phantom lines also used to demonstrate repetitive detail.
11. Border Lines
Border lines are thick and dark continuous lines. Any drawing are made in two parts. One is body and second is title. Border lines are used to separate body from the title block.
12. Arrowheads
Arrowheads are used to end various types of lines such as dimension lines, leader lines, cutting-plane lines, and viewing plane lines. Normally it is 3 times the length of the width. Arrowheads can be filled or blank.
These were the important types of lines used in the engineering drawing. These lines must be considered while making the drawings. Correct types of lines are very important to make error free engineering drawing.