
What Is Altitude?

Altitude is the distance measurement between a reference datum and an object. Height is the most common word used for altitude. If object is below mean sea level then it is known as depth.

Altitude is frequently used to refer to a location’s height above mean sea level, the term elevation is frequently preferred in the context of geography.

Description Of Altitude

We can relate altitude to air pressure. Air pressure of an object is measured to determine the altitude. A special device called altimeter is used to calculate altitude.

The air which is near to earth have high density while air far from earth at high altitude have low density. At high altitude, fewer molecules are present in the air, decreasing its density. Fewer molecules have a far lower risk of colliding, less dense air is likewise cooler.

Based on how far it is from sea level, altitude can be further subdivided. High elevations are areas on the surface of the Earth that are located far above mean sea level. Some sources describe high elevations as starting at 8000 feet above sea level.

An object which is above sea level but very near to earth is called low altitude. Objects at low altitude can be easily seen by naked eyes.

The temperature is typically substantially lower at high altitudes than it is at sea level. The low air pressure is to blame for this. The fewer gas molecules, such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, have fewer opportunities to collide when air expands as it rises.

High elevations are difficult for the human body. Lower air pressure reduces the amount of oxygen available for breathing. Breathlessness is a typical side effect of altitude because it requires the lungs to work harder to get oxygen into the bloodstream. A body’s adjustment to low air pressure and high altitude might take several days .


What Is The Relation Between Altitude And Air Pressure?

As altitude rises, air pressure drops. In other words, if the indicated altitude is high, the air pressure is low.

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