Benson Boiler

Benson boiler is much like a water tube steam boiler. It is a high-pressure drumless tube. It was made by Mark Benson. It is a supercritical boiler in which the feedwater is compressed to a supercritical pressure and hence forestalls the development of air pockets in the water tube surface.

The air pockets or bubbles do not form because at supercritical pressure the density of water and steam urns into something very similar. It was Mark Benson who originally proposed the plan to pack the water at supercritical pressure prior to heating into the evaporator and because of this, the latent heat of water decreases to zero. As the latent heat of water diminishes to zero the water straightforwardly changes into steam without the arrangement of air pockets.

As the latent heat of water diminishes to zero the water straightforwardly changes into steam without the formation of air pockets. In this sort of boiler, the air separator drum is not needed to separate the air bubble from water.

Parts of Benson Boiler:

The main parts of Benson Boiler are as follows:

  1. Economizer
  2. Radiant Evaporation
  3. Convection Evaporation
  4. Steam Outlet
  5. Furnace

Refer to the below figure to get complete details of all parts:

benson boiler

1. Economizer

In economizer, consuming the feed water to a specific temperature. It makes the recovery of hotness in the exhaust gases. Economizer works on the general proficiency of the boiler by decreasing fuel utilization.

2. Radiant Evaporation

It is a super radiator that heats water from radiation produced by consumed fuel. This builds the temperature to supercritical temperature.

3. Convection Evaporation

In convection evaporator, it dissipates superheated water and changes them into steam. It does this by the convection strategy for heat to move from hot exhaust gases to water.

4. Steam Outlet

It superheats the steam to the desired temperature (about 650Ā° C).

5. Furnace

In a convection evaporator, dissipates superheated water and changes them into steam. It does this by the convection strategy for heat to move from hot exhaust gases to water.

Working Principal of Benson Boiler

The Benson boiler is a water tube boiler, which achieves its job on the rule of the critical pressure of water. As we referenced previously, Critical strain is the tension at which the water and gas states are in harmony.

The feedwater goes through the economizer to the water-cooled dividers of the heater. The water gets heat by radiation and the temperature increments to almost basic temperature. It then, at that point, moves to the evaporator and may get superheated somewhat. At last, it is moved through the super radiator to accomplish the ideal superheated steam.

Advantages of Benson Boiler:

  • Benson boiler is a drumless boiler.
  • Weight is less compare to other boilers.
  • It occupies a very little floor area.
  • There is no serious hazard due to the explosion.
  • It can be operated within 15 minutes.
  • It minimizes bubble formation.

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