What is Magma?

Magma Definition

Magma can be define as molten igneous material under tthe surcface of earth. It can be liquid or semi-liquid.

Introduction of Magma

Magma is a molten natural material. When magma cools, it forms igneous rocks. Magma is a high temperature igneous rock material in the form of liquid. Magma is normally found in the surface of earth. Other planets such as mars also contains magma.


Formation process of Magma is natural. It is formed by the melting of mantle or crust in various tectonic environments, including subduction zones, continental rift zones, mid-oceanic ridges, and hot spots on Earth.

Magma is made up of very hot liquid and semi-liquid rocks below the earth’s surface. The Earth has a layered structure consisting of an inner core, an outer core, a mantle, and a crust. Much of the planet’s mantle is made up of magma. This type of magma can leak through holes and cracks in the earth’s crust and cause volcanic eruptions. When magma flows or erupts on the earth’s surface, it is called lava. Like solid rock, magma is a mixture of minerals. It also contains small amounts of dissolved gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide and sulfur. The high temperatures and pressures under the crust keep the magma in a liquid state.

The mantle and crust melt is thought to move through the crust and be stored in magmatic chambers or crystalline-rich trans-shell pulp regions. During storage of magma in the crust, its composition can be altered by fractional crystallization, contamination by shell melting, magma mixing, and gas escape.

Origin of Magma

The temperature inside the earth is determined through the geothermal gradient with respect to depth. The average geothermal gradient is about 25°C/km inside the earth’s crust, but this varies considerably. The slope becomes much less steep with depth, losing only 0.25 to 0.3°C per km. Groundward magma’s ascent in such contexts is the ultimate technique for transporting heat through the earth’s crust. Magma is produced more efficiently when the slope is oddly steep or the rock’s melting coefficient is oddly low.

Use of Magma

Magma produce huge geothermal energy. This energy can be converted into electrical energy. As the world need more energy, magma can contribute to solve energy problem.

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