In this article, I will discuss top 50 MicroStation commands. MicroStation is used for drafting and 3D modeling.
Here is the list of top 50 MicroStation commands.
- ACCUDRAW – Opens the AccuDraw dialog box to aid in precision drawing.
- ALIGN – Aligns two or more elements with respect to a reference point.
- ANNOTATE – Opens the text editor to create, edit or modify text.
- ARC – Creates an arc element.
- ARRAY – Creates a rectangular or polar array of elements.
- ATTACH – Attaches a reference file to the current file.
- BACKGROUND – Sets the background color of the view window.
- BOUNDARY – Creates a closed element from a series of connected elements.
- CELL – Inserts a cell (a group of elements) into the drawing.
- CHAMFER – Creates a chamfer between two straight lines.
- CHANGE LEVEL – Changes the level of selected elements.
- CIRCLE – Creates a circle element.
- CLIP – Clips an element to a boundary element or view window.
- COLOR – Sets the color of selected elements.
- COPY – Copies selected elements.
- CUT – Cuts selected elements.
- DELETE – Deletes selected elements.
- DIMENSION – Creates a dimension element.
- DIVIDE – Divides a line or curve into equal segments.
- ELLIPSE – Creates an ellipse element.
- ENDPOINT – Snaps to the endpoint of a line or curve.
- EXTRACT – Extracts a portion of an element into a new element.
- FENCE – Selects elements inside a fence boundary.
- FILLET – Creates a rounded corner between two lines or curves.
- HIDE – Hides selected elements.
- LEVEL – Creates a new level or modifies an existing one.
- LINE – Creates a line element.
- MATCH – Matches the properties of selected elements to a reference element.
- MEASURE – Measures the distance and angle between two points.
- MERGE – Merges two or more elements into a single element.
- MIRROR – Mirrors selected elements.
- MOVE – Moves selected elements.
- OFFSET – Creates a parallel line or curve offset from a reference line or curve.
- ORTHO – Restricts cursor movement to the horizontal and vertical axes.
- PLACE NOTE – Places a note on the drawing.
- POINT – Creates a point element.
- POLYGON – Creates a polygon element.
- PRINT – Prints the drawing to a printer or plotter.
- PROPERTIES – Displays or modifies the properties of selected elements.
- PULL – Extrudes a 2D element to create a 3D solid.
- REDO – Redoes the previous undo operation.
- REFEDIT – Edits a reference file directly in the current file.
- ROTATE – Rotates selected elements around a reference point.
- SCALE – Scales selected elements.
- SELECT – Selects elements for modification or manipulation.
- SNAP – Snaps the cursor to a specified distance or angle.
- SPLINE – Creates a spline element.
- TEXT – Creates a text element.
- UNDO – Undoes the previous operation.
- VIEW – Sets or modifies the view window parameters.
These are the important MicroStation commands. Every designer should learn these commands for smooth work experience.
You can also download the pdf of top 50 MicroStation commands.