A chimney is a very important component of a thermal power plant. In this article, I will describe the thermal power plant chimney.
A thermal power plant chimney has two important functions:
- To carry undesirable combustion or smoke out of the boiler.
- To provide the draught that feeds air to the fire to keep it burning. The draft of the chimney comes from the rising hot air.
What is a Chimney?
A chimney is the tallest structure in the power plant for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace, or fireplace to the external atmosphere. These power plant chimneys are sometimes known as stacks.

Height of Thermal Power Plant Chimney:
The height of the Thermal Power plant chimney depends on SO2 concentration in flue gas and the amount of fuel consumed by that Steam Generator. Normally it varies from 100 meters to 300 meters.
Height (in meters) = 14(Q)^0.3
Q= Fuel quantity(kg/hr)*SO2 content(%)*2)/100