What Is Air Sealing Of A Building?


Air sealing is a method used to minimize the amount of air that escapes or enters a building. This approach is both cost-effective and beneficial in improving indoor air quality, comfort, and decreasing the costs of heating and cooling.

Several strategies can be employed to perform air sealing, including foam insulation, caulk, and weather stripping. These methods aid in tightening and securing the building’s thermal envelope.


The goal of air sealing is to minimize the amount of air that enters or exits a structure by identifying and sealing any points of air leakage in a building. People worldwide widely use this methodical approach, especially in regions with extreme weather conditions.

air sealing of building

Reducing air leaks through air sealing is a cost-effective way to improve indoor air quality and comfort, as well as to reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling. Proper air sealing also helps to prevent moisture and air drafts from causing damage, which can improve the overall durability of the building.

Creating energy-efficient homes requires air sealing as a crucial aspect. Typically, builders air-seal buildings during the construction process, before installing drywall. However, air sealing a building after the drywall has been installed can be a complicated and costly process.

Need of Air Sealing In A Building

Air circulation is important for maintaining enclosed spaces, but extreme weather conditions can cause discomfort to occupants. Allowing extremely hot or cold air to enter a building can be unpleasant, so it’s important to strike a balance between air circulation and occupant comfort.

Small air leaks in various parts of a building can add up over time, creating an effect similar to having an open window. Often, this issue is addressed by using heating or cooling appliances, which consume a significant amount of energy.

Air sealing is a cost-effective solution for reducing the overall amount of air leaks in a building. By decreasing the need for heating or cooling appliances, air sealing can significantly reduce energy consumption. This method is also relatively inexpensive and efficient, making it a great way to transform residential buildings into energy-efficient homes.

It is important to note that air circulation should not be completely eliminated. In extreme weather conditions, allowing outside air to enter a building can be uncomfortable for occupants. Therefore, a balance must be struck between air circulation and occupant comfort.

Air Sealing Of Various Building Components

Air can enter the building due to various components of the building such as doors, windows, exhaust fans etc. These components must be sealed from the air.

1. Sealing Air Leaks In Slab

Slab is a crucial area of the house that contributes significantly to air leakage. Warm air rises and can escape through various air spaces in the attic, such as those surrounding chimneys and poorly sealed soffits.

It’s essential to ensure that the attic is properly insulated and sealed using insulation methods like spray foam around vents, chimney boxes, access panels, attic hatches, and electrical boxes.

2. Sealing Air Leaks Around Doors and Windows

Improper sealing around doors and windows can result in drafts and energy loss. Whether you’re installing new doors and windows or sealing existing ones, it’s important to remove any trim surrounding the openings and fill the gaps between the openings and the door or window frame with spray foam or caulk.

3. Sealing Air Leaks Around Pipes And Ducts

Air leaks around pipes and conduits are another common source of energy loss in homes. These leaks can be easily fixed with spray foam, which fills gaps around pipes, while caulk can be used to seal areas that are prone to sweating.

4. Sealing Around Exhaust Fan

If not correctly sealed, exhaust fans and whole house fans can also contribute to air leakage. To prevent this, use metallic tape to seal around the fan’s case and spray foam to seal any openings in the fan.


How important is air sealing a building?

Air sealing a building is very important because it can help improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, comfort, and durability of a building.

Is air sealing expensive?

The cost of air sealing a building can vary, but it is generally considered a cost-effective investment that can result in significant energy savings and improved indoor air quality.

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