What is the Difference Between a Motor and an Engine?

In this post, we will learn about the difference between a motor and an engine. Most people are normally confused between a motor and an engine. The engine and motors are used in a variety of applications around the world. They are used in industrial, automotive, and residential applications. The main difference between an engine … Read more

Furnace Heat Exchanger | Working of Furnace Heat Exchanger | Cracked Heat Exchanger | Symptoms of a Cracked Furnace Heat Exchanger

A furnace Heat Exchanger is a thin metal shield standing between the combustion chamber and the blower. As the combustion chamber adds heat to the heat exchanger, heat or heat energy is transferred to the air blowing across the surface. This air contains no exhaust gas and is directed to the duct system to provide … Read more

Direct Injection Fuel System | How Does Direct Injection Engine Work? | Key Functions of Direct Injection Fuel System

In this article, we will learn about the direct injection fuel system. As the name suggests, In this system, fuel is ejected directly above the piston into the engine combustion chamber. PDI (petrol-directed injection) is also known as GDI (gasoline direct injection). This is a system to create an air-fuel mixture for gasoline-powered internal combustion engines. … Read more

Babcock and Wilcox Boiler | How it Works? | Its parts | Applications, Uses, Pros, and Cons

Babcock and Wilcox boiler is external combustion, solid fuel combustion, horizontal drum shaft, high-pressure boiler, fixed, multi-tube, natural circulation, and natural draft boiler. It is a kind of water tube boiler. This boiler is used in applications that require high-pressure steam. This high-pressure steam is used to generate electricity in a hydroelectric power plant. In … Read more

Diaphragm Compressor Overview | Working Concept of Diaphragm Compressor | Parts of a Typical Diaphragm Compressor | Pros, Cons, and Applications

A diaphragm compressor is a well-known type of compressor from the category of reciprocating compressors. The other name for the diaphragm compressor is membrane compressor. A rotatory compressor is used to compress the air. The rotatory diaphragm enables to supply of the air in the compression chamber and applies the desired strain to supply the … Read more