Difference Between Blood And Plasma

Table of Contents

Blood Vs Plasma

Red color. Straw color.
It produce white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. It produce fat cells,cartilage and bones.
Main circulatory fluid in the body. It is the component of blood.
It has red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells(WBC) and Thrombocytes. It does not ha e any cells.
Blood is body’s fluid connective tissue. Plasma is the blood’s liquid component.
It has cellular components. It does not have cellular components.
Blood is the name of the circulatory body fluid. lasma is the components of blood and it is the fluid part of blood.
Blood creates antibodies. Plasma carries antibodies.
It is responsible for the creation of white and red blood cells. It is responsible for producing fat cells as well as cartilage.
Transfusion may lead to incompatibility risk. ransfusion has no incompatibility risk.
Difference Between Blood And Plasma


Blood is made up liquid and solids. The solid part of your blood contains red blood cells, Platletes and white blood cells, and the liquid part of blood called plasma.

Plasma is made up proteins salt and water. Over half of blood is plasma. Blood is circulating fluid.

Blood circulating fluid provides the body with nutrition oxygen and waste removals.

Blood is very specialized body fluid, blood is needed to keep us alive. Blood is a fluid connective tissue consist of plasma.

Composition of Blood


Plasma is the largest part and liquid components of blood. Plasma containing proteins and salt in which white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC) and platelets.

Plasma colour yellowish or sometimes straw coloured. Blood plasma is the liquid portion of blood. About 55% of our blood plasma and 45% red blood cells.

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