Grade Beam

The reinforced concrete beam which is constructed on the ground level is known as the grade beam. Mostly it is used to connect pile caps in pile foundation.

grade beam

The functions of a grade beam are very different from a wall footing because a grade beam is designed for bending. A grade beam is normally a span between pile caps. A typical wall footing is used to transmit the load of the wall into the ground.

A grade beam is also different from a strap beam because it is reinforced to transfer the weight of a wall to a separate foundation. A strap beam is designed in a way that redistributes the weight of a column between footings.

Sometimes grade beams are used in conjunction with spread footing if there are large moments from lateral loads in order to decrease the size of spread footing.

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Construction Process of Grade Beam:

Soil excavation is done for the construction of the grade beam. After excavation, compaction is done to consolidate the surface. Thereafter, concrete blending is done to rest the grade beam. Steel fixing and shuttering are done to pour the concrete. After concrete pouring, the formwork can be removed after 24 hours for the sides of the grade beam. The bottom shuttering can be removed after concrete gains full strength. Proper waterproofing should be done to avoid any dampness in the building.

If the grade beam is used to connect two pile foundations then the construction of the grade beam will start after the construction of the pile foundation.

Where are Grade Beam Used?

Grade beams are utilized to interface column establishments together, whether the columns are upheld on individual spread footings, individual heaps, or heap gatherings. Channels in the soil will go about as structures for supported substantial grade beams.

What is the Difference Between a Footing and a Grade beam?

The main difference between gade beam ab footing is that grade beam is designed for bending and typically spans between pile caps or caissons, while a wall footing bears on soil and transfer the weight of the wall directly into the ground.

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