How To Check Verticality Of A Column

Verticality of a column can be checked easily by using plumb bob. Plumb bob method is the most popular technique to check verticality of a column on a construction site.

How To Check Verticality Of A Column

Procedure To Check Verticality Of A Column

Here’s a step-by-step procedure for checking the verticality of a column.

  1. Collect all the required tools:

    Collect plumb bob and other tools such as a string, a tape measure, and a flat, stable surface to work on.

  2. Calculate the center of column’s base:

    You can easily find the the center of column’s base by using measuring tape.

  3. Attach the string to the plumb bob:

    Tie one end of the string securely to the plumb bob.

  4. Hold the plumb bob against the column:

    Stand on the flat surface facing the column and hold the plumb bob against the surface of the column, so the weight hangs down freely.

  5. Check the alignment of the string:

    Check that the string hangs directly over the center point marked on the base of the column. If it’s not aligned, adjust the position of the plumb bob until it is directly over the center point.

  6. Observe the position of the plumb bob:

    Observe the position of the plumb bob’s weight. If it is directly over the center point, the column is perfectly vertical. If the weight is to one side, the column is leaning in that direction.

  7. Make adjustments as needed:

    If the column is not perfectly vertical, make adjustments to correct its position. You can do this by carefully pushing or pulling the column to straighten it. Once you make adjustments, check the alignment again with the plumb bob until you get a perfectly vertical position.

  8. Repeat the process:

    Repeat the process on all sides of the column to ensure that it is straight from all angles.

By following these steps, you can use a plumb bob to check the verticality of a column.

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