What Is Topography?

Introduction Of Topography

Topography is a branch of earth science in which we study the surface of the earth in detail. Surface analysis of various geographical features such as river, hills, and mountains are comes under this category. Survey of these geographical features are done by using various concept of topographical survey.

Brief History Of Topography

Topography consist of two word topo and graphia which means record of an area. British surveyors first started to perform topographic survey. In the 19th century topographic survey become popular. Topographical mapping improved in complexity and accuracy throughout the 20th century as a result of the development of tools like theodolites and automatic levels. Nowadays, famous tools such as GPS and GIS are used for topographical survey.

Purpose Of Topography

The primary purpose of topography is measurement and documentation of elevation contours, which results in a three-dimensional representation of the earth’s surface. Horizontal coordinates such as latitude and longitude are measured by using topographic principle. Vertical coordinates like altitude also measured. These points generate contour lines that display the gradual changes in the terrain when they are collected in a sequence.


Direct survey is the measurement method that is most frequently utilized. This procedure involves utilizing leveling tools like theodolites to manually measure angles and distances. The fundamental information for all topographic mapping, including digital imaging systems, is obtained by direct surveying. To give a complete view of the subject land, this information can be utilized in concert with other technologies like satellite images or aerial photography.

The principal method for mapping the ocean floor is sonar. An underwater speaker sends a pulse of sound into the water, which is then reflected back by other underwater elements like coral reefs, submarines, or the ocean floor. The reflected sound waves are measured by microphones. The distance to the reflecting object affects how long it takes for the echo to return. With the help of this information, changes in the undersea terrain and other features, such as shipwrecks, can be mapped.

Sigital Mapping In Topography

A number of digital systems use the fundamental information gathered through topographic surveying to create maps.

GIS makes highly detailed maps with discrete layers that show virtually any type of element, including roads, bridges, buildings, rivers, political boundaries, soil types, and more, using computer software.

Using computer software, three-dimensional rendering creates a model in three dimensions using satellite or aerial photographs.

Triangulation is a technique used in aerial photography and photogrammetry to integrate images taken from various angles and determine the location of objects.


Numerous purposes, including geological research and military preparation, can benefit from a topographic analysis. Planning and carrying out any significant civil engineering or construction projects require detailed knowledge of the topography and surface features. The first comprehensive, widely accessible surveys of the planet were created more recently using satellite technologies and large-scale surveys like Google Maps.

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