Table of Contents
Introduction Of Urban Runoff?
Urban Runoff is the collection of water due to impervious surfaces like roads, parking lots, and walkways. The main causes of urban runoff are landscape irrigation, and automobile washing.

These surfaces, together with rooftops, transport contaminated runoff to storm drains during rain, storms, and other precipitation events rather than allowing the water to soak through soil.
Due to the decreased groundwater recharge, this lowers the water table and increases flooding due to the increased volume of water that remains on the surface. The majority of municipal storm sewer systems release runoff into streams, rivers, and bays untreated.
Additionally, surplus water may leak through building walls and floors and backups in basements to enter people’s homes.
Effects Of Urban Runoff
1. Water Pollution
Polluted urban runoff can impact people in a variety of ways, including by contaminating drinking water, affecting food sources, and even by forcing the closure of some portions of beaches due to a potential for disease. Beaches and other water-based activities may be closed as a result of contaminated water entering rivers after significant rainfall storms that result in stormwater overflows. This is due to the likelihood that dangerous bacterial growth or inorganic chemical pollutants in the water have increased as a result of the runoff. We frequently consider gasoline and oil spills to be the toxins that are most harmful, but we frequently ignore the effects that fertilizers and insecticides have.
2. Flood
Most of the floods in cities are caused by poor drainage systems. Impermeable surfaces cause rain water to collect on the surface. Even a small one can cause the problem of water logging on the roads. This affects the daily life of the people.
Methods To Reduce Urban Runoff
I have listed various techniques to reduce urban runoff.
- Never throw anything down a storm drain.
- Keep fertilizers to a minimum.
- Re-plant barren areas of your yard.
- Instead of bagging, use a lawn mower that mulches.
- Consider pest control methods.
- Think about using rain gardens.
- Visit a car wash with your vehicle.
- Your vehicles fluid leak should be fixed.
- Take care of your pet’s waste.
- Properly maintaining a septic system.
How To Reduce Urban Runoff?
Urban runoff can be reduced by installing porous surfaces such as paver blocks and bricks. Garbage should be taken out of the street drains as rain water will carry the garbage into the drains.