Table of Contents
The water distribution system objectives to distribute water to the consumer with proper quality, quantity, and pressure. It is used for describing the water distribution facilities used to supply water from the source to the point of usage.

Necessities of a Good Water Distribution system:
- The quality of water should deteriorate in distribution pipes.
- It must be supplying water to desired places with enough pressure.
- It should be capable of supplying an ample amount of water for firefighting.
- The layout should be such that no consumer gets affected if there is repair in the pipe.
- The distribution pipe should be laid 1 meter away from the sewer pipe.
- The pipe should be tight enough to minimize leakage.
The Layout of the Distribution System:
- The pipes are laid beneath the road pavements.
- There are four different types of pipe networks, any one of which can be used either separately or combined for any place.
Types of Water Distribution System:
1. Dead End system:
It is suitable for old towns and cities having a definite pattern of roads.

- It is cheaper.
- Determination of discharge and pressure is easier due to the lesser number of valves.
2. Radial system:
In this system, the area is divided into different zones. The water is pumped into the distribution zone kept in the middle of each zone. The water supplies are radially ending towards the border.

- It gives quick service.
- The calculation of pipe size is easy.
3. Grid Iron system:
It is suitable for cities with a rectangular layout where the mains and laid in rectangles.

- Water is kept in good movement due to the absence of dead ends.
- If there is a breakdown in some sections, then water is available for other sections.
4. Ring system:
The supply main is laid all along the peripheral roads and sub-main branches out from the mains. It also follows the grid iron system with a flow pattern similar to it and character to the dead-end system.
- Water can be provided to any point from at least two directions.

Methods of Water Distribution System:
- For an effective distribution system, suitable water pressure is required at various points.
- Based on the level of the source, topography, and other local condition the water force into the distribution system in the following manner:
1. Gravity Supply:
The source of supply is enough elevation above the distribution area.

- No energy costs.
- Low maintenance costs.
- No sudden pressure changes.
2. Pumped Supply:
The source of water is lower than the area to which the water is needed. The source can’t maintain the minimum pressure required.

3. Combined Supply:
In this case, both pumps and storage reservoirs are used.
- When two sources of water are used to provide water.

- When the elevated storage tank is connected to the system.

- When the source is lower than the user area.

Dead end system, radial system, grid iron system and ring system.