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Furrow Irrigation:
Furrow irrigation is performed by creating small channels parallel to each other along the field length in the direction of the primary slope. It is a type of surface irrigation system.
To know more about surface irrigation and other types of irrigation, read another article.
Water is applied to the top end of each furrow and flows down the field under the gravitational forces.

Factor affecting Furrow Irrigation
The major factor affecting furrow irrigation is as follows.
- Types of Soil
- Surface Slope
- Climate
- Water
Types of Furrow Irrigation
- Level furrows
- Graded straight furrows
- Graded contour furrows
- Corrugations
Let us discuss all types of Furrow irrigation
1. Level furrows
Level furrows are small irrigation channels, laid out with little or no slope in the end to block the flow of water. In this system, water is applied using a large stream until the furrow is filled full with water. It is very suitable for crops grown in rows on the bed between the furrows. Level furrows are also good for all climatic areas except the humid due to possible crop damage.
Level furrows needed very extensive land preparation and cautious water management for effective operation.

2. Graded straight furrows
Graded straight furrows are little irrigation channels in a straight line, parallel to a field boundary, exploited to irrigate all row crops. They are utilized on all types of soils except sandy, which has a very high intake rate and provides the poor lateral spread of water between furrows.

3. Graded contour furrows
They are small graded irrigation channels with uneven surfaces. Graded contour furrows are chiefly used on surfaces where it is not practical to use straight furrows. The furrows are normally curved to adjust the field contour. This type can be used on all types of slopes and soil types except sandy, and soils which can easily crack when dry.

4. Corrugations
Corrugations are little, very closely spaced irrigation channels used to irrigate close-growing crops on moderately steep surfaces. Irrigation water is applied through small channels or corrugations evenly spaced across the field crops. Because of their small capacity to hold water, channels need to conform to the field slope.