What are Eyebolts? | Types of Eyebolts

Introduction Eyebolts are mechanical fasteners with a threaded shank and a ring end. The primary object of an eyebolt is to attach an eye to a structure, through which wires, cables, or shackles can be attached. A common use is to create a lifting eye to be able to attach the crane to a machine, … Read more

What Are Spacers? | What Are Wheel Spacers?

A spacer is used to enhance the distance between the two parts which have to be fixed together. Spacers are often part of the tube into which the fasteners are inserted. Therefore, a short spacer can resemble a thick washer. Washers are sometimes used as small spacers. Spacers are similar to standoffs, but they include … Read more

What are Torsion Springs?

Torsion springs are elastic materials that, when twisted, exert a moment that resists rotation. Common types of torsion springs include spiral torsion springs, torsion bars, and spirally wound torsion springs. Types of Torsion Springs Single Helical torsion spring Double helical torsion spring Torsion bar spring Spiral wound torsion spring Let’s have a look at these … Read more

What Are Garage Door Torsion Springs?

Garage door torsion springs are used to open the garage door with minimum effort. When the door is closed, tension is applied to the torsion spring. When the door opens, torsion springs relieve tension and help lift the door. So you can easily lift something as heavy as a garage door. In addition, a properly … Read more

What is U Clip?

U shaped clip is known as U Clip. U clips are mechanical fasteners made of steel strips. The steel strip is bent into a U shape to make the clip. U clips have two legs. These legs often have lead lips for easy sliding over plates and sheet metal, which opens the legs outward. The … Read more