Expansive Cement – Properties, Types and Uses

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What Is Expansive Cement?

Expansive cement is a specific type of cement that expands to a greater extent than portland cement. It is mixed with water to form a highly extensible cement paste.

Properties Of Expansive Cement

  1. Its setting time is 75 minutes.
  2. It is comprises of 7 to 12 percent air.
  3. 7 days expansion ranges between 0.04% to 0.10%.
  4. 7 days compressive strength is 14.7 Mpa.
  5. 28 days compressive strength is 24.5 Mpa.

Types Of Expansive Cement

According to American Concrete Institute, Expansive cement can be classified as given below.

  1. Type K expansive cement
  2. Type M expansive cement
  3. Type S expansive cement

Let’s get more idea about these three types of expansive cements.

1. Type K Expansive Cement 

Type K Expansive Cement consist of portland cement, anhydrous tetracalcium trialuminate sulfate (C4A3S), calcium sulfate (CaSO4), and lime (CaO).

2. Type M Expansive Cement 

Type M Expansive Cement is the blended mixtures of portland cement and calcium sulfate suitably proportioned.

3. Type S Expansive Cement

Type S Expansive Cement is a portland cement consist of high computed tricalcium aluminate (C3A) content and an amount of calcium sulfate above the normal amount found in portland cement.


  • Large, continuous floor slabs are constructed without joints using this cement.
  • It is effective in sealing cracks in foundations and producing self-reinforcing concrete, which is more durable than regular Portland cement concrete.
  • This material is used to make pre-stressed concrete components for buildings and bridges.
  • Both are used to build water-blocking structures and to repair cracked concrete surfaces.
  • It is used for grouting of bolts.
  • It is also used for grouting of machine foundation.

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