If you don’t know how to calculate the slope of the staircase, this article can help you a lot.
In this post, I have described the simple procedure to calculate the slope of the staircase.
Stairs are one of the most important elements of a building. This helps people access different floors of the building. When building stairs, it is always important to maintain the correct slope so that the slope is not too steep.
Calculating the slope of the stairs is very simple and convenient. You only need to know the width of the tread and the height of the riser. After the calculation, you can find out whether the slope of the stairs is legal or not.

Table of Contents
First Step:
Measure the distance between the treads (excluding the width of the nosing). Measure one tread if all treads are the same size, otherwise, all treads must be measured.
Let us assume the width of tread = 250 mm.
Second Step:
Measure the height of the riser. If all risers are the same size, measure only one. All risers must be measured for different sizes.
Let us assume the height of the riser = 150 mm.
Third Step:
Now divide the height of the riser by the width of the tread and then calculate the inverse tangent.
tanθ = Riser Height/Tread Width = 150/250 = 0.6
∴ θ = tan−1 0.6 = 31°
Using the same size tread and risers will make measurements easier and will give you more accurate results. It is recommended to make the stairs with a slope that is not too steep. Normally 30° to 40° steps are considered standard.
In this way, you can easily calculate the slope of the staircase.