Water absorption test is performed on the stone to calculate the total water absorbed by the stone. This amount of water is calculated in percentage.

Test Procedure
A test cube specimen of 50 grams are prepared.
The test is performed in the steps as given below.
- Note the weight of dry stone sample as W1.
- Place the stone sample in water for 24 hours.
- Take out the stone sample, wipe out the surface with a piece of cloth and weight the stone sample. Consider it as W2.
- Suspend the stone sample freely in water for weight it. Consider it as W3.
- Place the stone sample in boiling water for 5 hours. After 5 hours, take it out and wipe the surface with cloth. Weigh it and consider it as W4.
Let’s do the calculation:
Percentage absorption by weight = (W2-W1/W1) × 100
Percentage absorption by volume = (W2-W1/W2-W3) × 100
Percentage absorption by volume = (W4-W1/W2-W3) × 100
Density = W1/W2-W1
Specific gravity = W1/W2-W3
Saturation Coefficient = Water Absorption/Total Porosity = (W2-W1)/(W4-W1)
Note: A good building stone should not absorb more than 5% water.