Rankine Cycle | Ideal Rankine Cycle | Actual Rankine Cycle

The Rankine cycle is the most widely used thermodynamic cycle in various power plants including nuclear power plants and coal-fired power plants. The Rankine cycle represents the process through which a reciprocating steam engine or steam turbine extracts mechanical energy from a running medium because it flows between a heat accumulator and a heat source. … Read more

Types of Bearings

There are different types of bearings with different operating principles, materials, lubrication methods, shapes, etc. Here are the main bearing types: Various Types of Bearings Ball Bearing Roller Bearing Linear Bearing Bush Bearing Thrust Bearing Foot Step Bearing Anti-friction or Rolling Contact Bearing Plain Bearing Fluid Bearing Magnetic Bearing Jewel Bearing Flexure Bearing Let us … Read more

Pneumatic Actuator | How Does a Pneumatic Actuator Work?

A pneumatic actuator is a mechanical device that converts energy into mechanical movement, usually compressed air. These actuators have different names such as Air actuators, air cylinders, and pneumatic actuators. All types of pneumatic actuators have the same working principle. Actuators consist of ports, valves, cylinders, or pistons that can convert energy into rotational or … Read more