Electroplating Plastic – Methods, Applications and Uses

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What is Electroplating Plastic?

Electroplating plastic is the transfer of dissolved ions from the metal to the plastic part. By separating the metal ions on the plastic surface, the new part retains the properties of both materials. The outside of the part looks like metal and can undergo additional material processing.

Electroplating Plastic

Electroplating is a common industrial process that involves treating the surface of one material by applying a very thin coating of another material. The coating process can protect the surface from corrosion or give it a decorative finish.

Process of Electroplating Plastic

Basically two methods are adopted for electroplating plastic.

First method is to roughen the surface and allow the metal to adhere. Then electroplating is done on top of that layer to build up a layer of metal. This process is called electroless or chemical plating.

The second method is to apply conductive paint to the plastic and then electroplate it.

1. Rougning Method

First remove any oil, grease or other debris from the plastic part. This process can be complicated by the use of a long series of acids and bases. After each step, before applying the next cleanser, rinse several times with water to remove the previous cleanser. increase.

Immerse the parts in a chromium sulfur bath. Acid attacks or etches the surface and causes the metal to adhere. Another etching method is to sandblast the surface.

Immerse the parts in a palladium chloride bath. This leaves an initial layer of metal that allows for electroplating with conventional methods. Specifically, the part is electroplated with copper as yet another preparatory layer, then gold, chromium, nickel, or whatever the final metal layer is.

2. Paint Method

To prepare a plastic surface for color plating, clean the surface in the same manner as for electroless plating. After cleaning, apply a cheap conductive paint. You can start the normal electroplating process with plastic coated with conductive paint.Be careful when electroplating plastics to avoid exposure to toxic fumes.

Advantages of Electroplating Plastic

  • Electroplated parts are stronger than non-electroplated parts. They are often used to extend the life of parts by providing extra protection against rust.
  • Electroplated parts not only increase chemical and mechanical resistance, but also help improve electrical conductivity.
  • Electroplated plastics can have enhanced electrical conductivity properties, making them useful in the manufacture of electronic devices. It can also protect plastic substrates from harmful UV and gas attacks. Finally, it helps dissipate heat better than uncoated plastic.
  • Electronic equipment emits electromagnetic radiation (EMR). To prevent this from interfering with nearby electronics, it is often shielded by an outer metal shell.

Uses of Electroplating Plastic

I have listed some most common uses of electroplating plastic.

  • The automotive industry is one of the most common industries using plastic coatings. Heavy-duty automotive parts such as brake pads and engine parts often benefit from this type of coating. This process can also be used to improve the appearance of automotive parts.
  • The medical industry is another major user of plastic coatings. Particularly heavily used medical products such as stents and cardiac pacemakers often benefit from this type of coating. This process can also be used to improve the appearance of medical devices.
  • The electronics industry also relies heavily on plastic coatings. This process is often used to coat printed circuit boards used in electronic devices. This type of coating provides a durable surface that resists corrosion and abrasion.

Final Words

Elelctroplating plasting is the best way to create metal look on the surface of plastic. Final finished surface is looked like a metal. The exterior surface of the plastic on which metal coating is apllied works as a metal while interior part works as a plastic.

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