Foam Concrete – Properties, Mixing, Uses & Advantages

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What Is Foam Concrete?

Foam Concrete is also known as Cellular Light Weight Concrete. Do not confuse with some other names like Lightweight concrete, Aircrete, Foamcrete, Low-density concrete. Foam concrete consists of fly ash, sand, and water. Sometimes Cement is used instead of fly ash. Further, Slurry is mixed with aerated foams in a concrete mix plant. These aerated foams generate air bubbles. Foam Concrete has a low density ranging from 400 kg/m3 to 1620 kg/m3

Foam Concrete or Cellular Light Weight Concrete
Foam Concrete Block

Foam concrete is isolated from air-entrained concrete to the extent that the volume of air is entrained. The air-entrained substantial take in the air of 3% to 8%. It furthermore contrasts from the impeded mortar and circulated air through concrete for a similar explanation of the level of air-entrained. On account of impeded mortar frameworks, it is 15 to 22 percent. The air pockets are artificially shaped on account of circulated air through concrete.

Brief History:

The foamed concrete has a rich history and it was first made into utilization in the year 1923. In ancient times it was used as an insulating material. Upgrades all through the beyond 20 years in the space of production equipment and god quality foam making agents make the use of foam concrete on the large level.

Foam Concrete Mixing

The concrete mixing plant mixes a slurry of cement or fly ash, sand, and water with a synthetic aerated foam to create foamed concrete. A foaming agent is used to generate stable air bubbles that resist physical and chemical processes during mixing, placing, and hardening.

Foamed concrete can be poured or pumped into molds or structural elements. The thixotropic behavior of the foam bubbles allows the slurry to flow freely, making it easy to pour into the desired form or mold. The viscous material takes up to 24 hours to solidify, but steam curing at temperatures up to 70°C, depending on ambient temperature and humidity, can accelerate this process to as little as two hours. Once solidified, the material can be released from its mold.

A cutting machine with special steel wires cuts large concrete cakes into blocks of various sizes in a new method for manufacturing foam concrete. This cutting process occurs before the concrete has fully cured.

Properties Of Foam Concrete

  1. Foam concrete is a versatile building material that has a simple and relatively inexpensive production method compared to autoclave aerated concrete.
  2. Incorporating fly ash into the slurry mix used in foam concrete makes it cheaper and has a lesser environmental impact.
  3. Depending on the application, foam concrete can be produced in a variety of densities ranging from 200 kg/m3 to 1,600 kg/m3.
  4. Lighter density foam concrete products can have different sizes cut from them.
  5. Although foam concrete is considered a type of concrete where air bubbles replace the aggregate, its high thermal and acoustical insulating properties make it an entirely different application than conventional concrete.

Recent Advancement

Foam concrete was once known for being weak and not durable, with a high tendency to shrink, particularly when used for load-bearing structural applications and producing low density (less than 300 kg/m3 dry density) foam concrete. The unstable foam bubbles resulted in unsuitable properties, making it crucial to ensure that the air entrained in the foamed concrete was contained in stable, uniform, tiny bubbles that remained isolated and did not increase the permeability of the cement paste between the voids.

However, since the mid-1990s, advancements in synthetic-enzyme based foaming agents, foam stability enhancing admixtures, and specialized foam generating, mixing, and pumping equipment have improved the stability of foam concrete. This has made it possible to manufacture foam concrete with densities as low as 75 kg/m3, which is only 7.5% of water. The enzyme is comprised of highly active proteins of biotechnological origin, and is not based on protein hydrolysis.

Foam concrete has become increasingly popular in recent years and is being used in several countries such as Germany, the USA, Brazil, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Kuwait, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Botswana, Mexico, Indonesia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iraq, Egypt, and Vietnam. It is being used extensively in highways, commercial buildings, disaster rehabilitation buildings, schools, apartments, and housing developments.

Uses Of Foam Concrete

  1. To make the aerated concrete block.
  2. To make a cavity wall for the purpose of insulation.
  3. To protect building interior space from the outer heat.
  4. To construct an auditorium and multiplex wall where the sound is very high.

Advantages Of Foam Concrete

  1. It is thermal insulated.
  2. It is sound insulated.
  3. It resists fire.
  4. Foam Concrete is very Eco- friendly.
  5. Very low cost due to the utilization of fly ash.
  6. Self- leveling.
  7. Self-consolidating.
  8. Easy to transport.

Disadvantages Of Foam Concrete

  1. Very low strength.
  2. Costly equipment needed.
  3. High shrinkage.
  4. High mixing time.


What are foam concrete blocks?

Foam concrete blocks are blocks made from a special kind of mixture. They are very light and can be used to build things like walls and buildings.

What are the benefits of using foam concrete blocks?

Foam concrete blocks are good because they are easy to carry and can keep things warm or cool inside. They are also good for the environment and can be made with recycled materials.

How are foam concrete blocks made?

Foam concrete blocks are made by mixing some things together, like cement and water, to make a special mixture. Then, a special foam is added to the mixture, and it’s poured into molds to make the blocks.

What are foam concrete blocks used for?

Foam concrete blocks can be used to make walls and buildings. They can also be used in gardens to make things like planters and walls to hold soil in place.

Are foam concrete blocks durable?

Yes, foam concrete blocks are very strong and can last a long time. They don’t get ruined easily by things like rain or pests, and they’re easy to take care of.

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