In this article we will discuss how to repair foundation cracks. It very to important to select a skilled contractor who know how to repair foundation cracks.

Cracks in foundation can occur due to various reasons such as ground movement, water infilteration, earthquakes etc.
I have described step by step procedure to repair foundation cracks.
Table of Contents
Process of Foundation Crack Repair
1. Initial Observation
The first step is to observe the cracks in foundation. Stretch cracks in foundation concrete are usually hair-thin and run vertically or diagonally. These are less of a problem than cracks caused by moisture settling or infiltration.
2. Surface Preparation to Repair Cracks
If the cracks have more width than the hair, use an old flat-blade screwdriver and a stiff wire brush to remove broken or cracked concrete shards, dust and debris. Use a hammer and chisel to widen the tear slightly and undercut the edges of the tear to facilitate patch adhesion. This gives the patch more sticky surface and prevents it from slipping through the tear. Hold the chisel at an angle and start carving. Use a wire brush to remove dirt and dust, then rinse the cracks with water from your garden hose. Pat the affected area dry with an old towel.
3. Cracks Repair
In this step, all the cracks are repaired. Hairlines cracks can be easily repaired with cement paste. But it cracks are wide and deep then it need to filled properly. Grouting is done to repair deep cracks. Various chemical compounds are used for grouting. These chemical compounds are available in the market. You can use locally available chemical compound.
Hydraulic cement is used for exterior surface finish. A cement paste made from hydraulic cement is applied with a knife. Mix hydraulic cement with water in a bucket according to package directions. Mix using a trowel and combine the two until the mixture is uniform. Wet the crack with a blast of water from a spray bottle and use a spatula to squeeze the hydraulic cement mixture into the crack.
4. Cover Foundation by Applying Waterproof Masonry Sealant
After crack are repaired, cover the entire foundation by waterproof masonry sealant. This waterproof sealant increase the durability of the foundation. Existing paint or coatings should be removed from the surface and the concrete should be able to absorb water. For best results, apply the sealant directly to the patch with a brush. A second coat can be applied with a large brush or masonry roller. Apply the sealant completely on and around the patch, ranging from a few inches to a foot, to ensure a proper seal.
This was the complete procedure of foundation cracks repair. As a precautionary measure, try to keep it as water-free as possible. You should timly check all the gutters and drains. Somtimes continous water seepage occur from the drain to sub-structure of the building.