Scotch Marine Boiler | How Does it Works?

A Scotch marine is a type of boiler in which hot flue gas passes through a series of tubes in an aquarium. Scotch boilers are the most commonly used on ships. These boilers are most commonly used in marine applications due to their high operational efficiency and compactness. You have the ability to use all … Read more

EGR Sensor | Working of EGR Pressure Sensor | How to Replace? | Signs/Symptoms of Bad EGR Sensor | Causes of Faulty EGR valve

The EGR position sensor detects the movement and position of the EGR spool. The EGR pressure sensor measures the flow of exhaust gas through the EGR channel. EGR stands for Exhaust gas Recirculation. The EGR system is the most important part of the vehicle that controls NOx emissions. The EGR system consists of an EGR … Read more

What is Beater CAR? An Overview

A beater car is a vehicle that drives into the ground. These are usually old, long mileage cars and still, work well. It’s a bit ugly to see, but I’m working to move the occupants from point A to point B, despite some scratches and minor glitches. With proper maintenance, it is not uncommon for … Read more